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Ophelia, Descending

After Jenny's best friend Wes is acquitted for killing her assaulter, the traumatized grad student is taken on a secluded getaway to help her emotionally recover. But when her friends start disappearing one by one, Jenny must learn that we have to embrace the things about ourselves that scare us to defeat an enigmatic murderer before she loses her sanity, and everyone she’s ever loved.  

A psychological thriller in the vein of Martha, Marcy May, Marlene, and MelancholiaOphelia, Descending wrapped filming in New York in the Winter of 2016. Slated to premier in Spring, 2017, the film is directed by Chad Stone, with screenplay by Ashley Griffin and cinematography by Nicalina Iovino. The film stars Ashley Griffin, Ian Way, Jillian Louis, Cece King, Jay William Thomas and Ryan McCurdy. 


Production still, Ophelia, Descending. Ashley Griffin as Jenny, Ian Way as Wes

Production still, Ophelia, Descending. Ashley Griffin as Jenny, Ian Way as Wes

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